The build team mounted the motors for the hopper mechanism, to the point that it can actually launch the dodge balls, and received the lift apparatus, meaning we can finally get to work on implementing it. We’re currently working on a way to store the balls, and prepare them to launch without them getting stuck on the way to the launcher.
The programming team spent the day working on making the robot operate autonomously. Now, you might be wondering why we’re even bothering with this, given that we spent all that time making a drive station to control the robot; it’s because for the first fifteen seconds of the match, we’re not allowed to touch the controls, and the robot basically just has to figure things out for itself. Thus, given that we’re spending an eighth of our allotted time on this phase, it’s imperative that we’re able to make the most of it.
Lastly, the business team continued to work on purchasing the T-shirts, reviewed the Chairman’s video for editing, and did preliminary research on getting stickers with our sponsors’ logos on them, to put on the robot.