The Robots

In a robotics competition, it’s expected that you show up with some robots to compete with. We make a few of them each year. Meet the robots!

(Note: we disassemble our old robots for parts after each season – so you can’t meet Hook from 2023, even if you really wanted to.)

This page is currently in beta – we’re testing out some new technology and trying something new with our showcases. We’re also planning on adding more information in the coming weeks – stay tuned!


SS Craig (she/her)

Craig is a robot we use to shoot our notes towards the speakers – and score some bonus points on the chain.

We built a better design for our hook this year. Instead of putting all our stress on the motor (which ultimately burned out), we’ve went with a system involving chains, a guiderail, and we’ve swapped out the hook for a metal-machined part.

The mechanism that shoots out the notes features two wheels and a little compartment that helps guide the notes towards the speaker at an angle. The notes are loaded from the top, they get sucked in by the wheels, and they get shot out by reversing said wheels. Enough said.

This robot features mecanum wheels that feature greater manoeuvrability than your average wheels you’d put on a car. Because of the slant on the wheels, we can move them left, right, rotate them in place, or pivot using a few different motor actions. This little page doesn’t really show the genius of these wheels – but the Wikipedia page does.

2023 – CHARGED UP™

Pat the Robot

Featuring cutting-edge googly-eye technology, some red padding flair, and a Lowes hat, Pat the Robot is probably ready for whatever’s going to hit it. (Maybe besides the pickup truck outside our lab. Our robots are resilient, but not THAT resilient.)

Unlike what’s found in Toy Story, this claw isn’t used for picking up aliens.

The green claw is powered by a pneumatic system – a closed system that uses air to rapidly close and open the claw. It’s used to pick up cones. There’s a motor that helps move the cone towards its target.