Good morning, good evening, and good night! We’re back – and ready to roll.
First, a warm welcome to all the new recruits this year! We won our school’s club fair and had a really good pizza party – thanks, Flatbread!

Our new Swerve motors have finally been installed on our robot – we’re just working on finishing touches with Programming. These allow for greater mobility of our robot (and they also look really cool).
We’re working on a tennis ball launcher. This isn’t really used for the robot – it’s more to gain experience. We’ve got a lot of newcomers this year, so catching them up to speed is crucial.
We’re also working on a gear for a vertical pulley mechanism to help aim said tennis ball launcher up and down. This’ll be made through our 3D printer. Last year, we made a few attachments to our robot using 3D-printed parts and we’re looking at expanding our usage of them.

Most of them have been working on learning how to code the robot in Java.
In other news, we’re also building a new website for our partner non-profit – the Tech Collaborative. Right now, it’s a fairly basic website – we plan on fleshing it out a little more.

We’ve updated the website with leadership positions for this year – take a look!
Earlier this month, we ran an outreach event at New Franklin – we had a blast and we hope you did too. We’ll probably be running more of these throughout the year, so stay tuned!
In other news, we’ve reached our goal of covering our registration costs. However, if you’d like to sponsor us, we’re always looking for donations to help us with future years.
Closing Notes
Yep, that’s it. Plenty more to come this season – stay tuned!