Bonjour – and welcome! We’ve been relocated to a small little room near the art wing, where we’ve been working away on some finishing touches before our competition season.

New Lab
We’ve been ✨gently evicted✨ out of our lab and moved into a new room right next to our library. For students — it’s right down the hall from the computer labs. We’ve also got our digital signage on full display to the masses — at least, as long as administration doesn’t take it down (again).

You might be aware that we’ve spent a significant amount of our budget on Swerve motors. It’s a new challenge for our programming team — these are completely new motors with completely new interfaces to work with. However, the increased mobility is definitely worth it — and you’ll see it in competition this year when we swerve* around the competition.
*absolute comedy gold right here. Lex, you’ve done it again

They’re working on wiring the tennis ball launcher to the main computer of the robot. We’ve got a lot of space to work (and experiment – we’ve launched a few balls down the hallway).
One of the freshmen from the Build team is fixing one of our 3d printers, our biggest one. This is a complicated task because of the small space and high amount of precision necessary to make the printer function properly. This is a very important tool for us as it allows us to quickly and cheaply prototype parts.
Our 3D printers are also acting up – specifically, our biggest one. The high accuracy and precision necessary to create parts to spec is the printer’s biggest challenge, so we’re buying new parts and we plan to install them later this month.
We’d like to thank our sponsors this season – they’re the ones that make our hobbies and our crafts possible. If you’d like to sponsor us, our door is always open.
Closing Notes
Kickoff happens in just under two days. Until then, bye for now!