Hi! We’re excited about our competition at UNH this weekend (and we hope to see you there). In the meantime, we’ve taken plenty of steps to make sure we’re thoroughly prepared for this one.

New Strategies and Scoring
We’ve got a new strategy in mind after learning some lessons from our last competition. Our new strategy includes prioritizing algae over coral because our design is slow for coral. As a result, we’ve revised our arm design to better prioritize algae with an expansion of the claw element. In addition, we’ve also added a small mechanism to release a singular coral to assist during autonomous.
The lifting mechanism that we’d previously installed is finally working after some time revising the math from both our programming and build teams. This will hopefully allow us to score 12 points for our alliance.
Autonomous, as before, is limited due to the limited vision we have on the field.

Drive Team
Putting our build and programming work onto the field is hard work.
Our drive team has worked tirelessly on perfecting the process of acquiring and depositing algae, and we’ve also seen our coral system working well.
While we’ve been seeing the chaos of packing all around us, we’ve taken care of plenty of administrative tasks. We’ve figured out how to add our avatar into the FRC Dashboard, so you’ll see our logo next to our scores are competition.
Additionally, we’ve also been planning to potentially expand our outreach into a new venture with Portsmouth Middle School. More information on this to come in the future.
Closing Notes
We have changed our strategy, and the drive team learned how to work the robot around the algae. Competition’s straight ahead – check our scores live from the Blue Alliance – and we’re ready to rock and roll.
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