Update 3 – Gerald is Alive! (and some more chariots)

Update 3 – it’s roll time. (get it? no? ok.)


Gerald is alive! The wheels spun for the first time last week (albeit spinning in the opposite direction as intended and setting off quite a few errors). While we’re still getting the vacuum mounted (and fixing errors… and trying to get it to move on its own…) do expect it to make some appearances soon.

As of right now, they’re trying to figure out how to interface an Xbox controller with a robot designed to move autonomously. They’re currently working on getting the code to run. Check up on them by visiting our GitHub.


It’s become very clear that we shouldn’t have been trusted with the chariots.

In other news, we’re building more chariots. Unfortunately, we’ve had to tone down their designs due to some critical safety flaws (to future Western Civ students, expect some new guidelines on what we can and can’t do), but the chariots are at least functional.

Gerald’s gotten into a bit of a hiccup. Unfortunately, something’s broken in the vacuum and we’re trying to find the root cause. We’ve already cleaned out the filter – and it was filthy. Fortunately, this should be relatively simple. Additionally, we’re 3D printing some new parts for Gerald. We may have accidentally snapped a little (relatively cheap, don’t worry) component required for wall detection (aka don’t hit the wall).


Greenland Veterans Association, thanks for sponsoring us – expect a letter via Don very soon. We’re also busy sending thank you notes to every one of our sponsors. We’re still looking for people to help us get through the season, so please do consider sponsoring us.

We’re swapping a few things behind the scenes, so expect our website to get a tad faster soon.

Closing Notes

Teammates, it’s essential that you check our internal Discord for up-to-date agendas. If you’re going into the day blind, yikes for you.

We’re building up more steam as we’re pushing into the competition time this year. Thanks for reading! We’ll see you next week.


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