Welcome back, everyone! We’re back from break, and we’ve hit the ground running with the electrics. To summarize our progress, the new chassis now has fully active mecanum wheels, a bottom frame, protective panes equipped with holes for wires, a (mostly) working CPU, one completed set of bumpers, and a completed battery holder. Today, the build and programming teams spent the day working together to make the electrics work every time, instead of just half of that. The rest of the build team spent the day making our second set of bumpers (we need to have bumpers colored for each team, and need to be able to switch them between rounds should the need arise). The bumpers are a simple design, but since they’re the only wooden part of the robot (they absorb very little impact, so it’s much more useful to have them be light than durable), they nonetheless need to be done carefully.
Aside from that, the business team finished organizing the team’s papers (incidentally, we were able to dig up two entire trophies from our first year, which had just been sitting in a filing cabinet for who knows how long). That being done with, we’ve been focused on rescuing the team shirts from what seems to be some kind of administrative limbo, and nailing down a new final date for the beach cleanup. As usual, we’ll keep you in the loop on both situations as they develop.
That’s all we’ve got for today, once again thank you for reading! It’s community members like all of you who make what we do possible, and we can’t thank you enough for your help propping us up. See you soon!