Author: Lex Wu
2025 Update 2 – New Space, Same Team
Bonjour – and welcome! We’ve been relocated to a small little room near the art wing, where we’ve been working away on some finishing touches before our competition season. New Lab We’ve been ✨gently evicted✨ out of our lab and moved into a new room right next to our library. For students — it’s right…
2025 Update 1 – New Starts
Good morning, good evening, and good night! We’re back – and ready to roll. First, a warm welcome to all the new recruits this year! We won our school’s club fair and had a really good pizza party – thanks, Flatbread! Build Our new Swerve motors have finally been installed on our robot – we’re…
Update 9 – we had a little too much fun
Welcome back to the blog! Cheers to another exciting blog! Currently, our Wire Clippers are excited about the break which is in t minus 2 days. If you guys are doing anything exciting over break feel free to put them in the comments. Recently on Tuesday, we went to Service Credit Union and had a…
Service Credit Union Practice Meet
Hey everyone! We’re meeting on February 20th @ Service Credit Union’s headquarters on Lafayette Road. This post has directions and our schedule for the event. This is a temporary post – we’ll make a full post after the event. Schedule Directions Make sure to go to 3003 Lafayette Road. It’s the big building with glass…
Update 8 – In the heat of the season!
Welcome back, loyal followers to an exciting week at the Wire Clippers! Today, we are in the middle of the season with a ton of deadlines and the heat is ramping up. Last friday, we finished all the field elements – tomorrow, the robot’s being turned over to programming. The pressure is on! We are…
Update 7 – No, We Don’t Take Breaks
It’s finals week here at PHS, and we’re still behind the update desk. Time for update 7! Build Build team is busy at work building the chasis (the thing that holds the robot, and more importantly, our entire operation, together). In terms of other things they’re doing, it includes measurements and a lot of exposed…
Update 6 – A Strong Kickoff!
Welcome back to the update desk! It’s time for update 6. (Two posts in one week. Huh.)
Update 5 – We’re Back (Again)
Update 5, and the last update before our kickoff this Saturday. It’s been a while since we’ve posted. Let’s get you up to speed. Recap of December View this post on Instagram A post shared by FRC Team 5902 (@phs_wire_clippers) Right, onto the chaos today! Build We’ve just gotten a new 3D printer! Hopefully, this…
Update 4 – A New Look
Welcome to Update 4! We’re a little shorthanded as we get ready to enter Thanksgiving break – so there isn’t as much to talk about. You also might notice this website looks a little different. We’ll get to that in a moment. Build After dealing with an air leak for a somewhat longer-than-expected time, we’ve…
Update 3 – Gerald is Alive! (and some more chariots)
Update 3 – it’s roll time. (get it? no? ok.) Programming Gerald is alive! The wheels spun for the first time last week (albeit spinning in the opposite direction as intended and setting off quite a few errors). While we’re still getting the vacuum mounted (and fixing errors… and trying to get it to move…