We spent this meeting in a whirlwind of activity gearing up for the January build season. The build team prepared for the season by setting up a new drive station, dividing into teams, organizing their work space, setting up tables for later on. The new tables will be especially helpful; the ones we’d been using previously would collapse under any serious weight, whereas the new ones are capable of carrying much heavier loads. Meanwhile, the programming team got a handle on the code, set up GitHub, which will be instrumental for compiling and distributing data in the future, and studied older code from last year.

The electric team built a new electronics board, which will act as the brain and nervous system of the robot. It does this by connecting the central processing unit to the power distribution panel, which regulates the power going to each motor, as well as the radio and the battery.
Lastly, the business team continued to get in contact with local businesses about sponsor ships, continued to add to the website, and compared designs for the new logo. We made the decision to replace the dragon, which was designed for the stronghold competition, with something more relevant. We hope to more-or-less finish the new logo by Wednesday.