We’re proud to announce that, in cooperation with the Ligerbots (2877) and BERT (133), we’ve won the UNH event! More news to come soon.

Category: 2020-21

  • 4/22/21

    Hello everyone, it’s been another day of steady progress here at the Wire Clippers! On the build angle, we’ve been figuring out how to budget the rest of our grant money. Thus far, we’re in order for a 360-degree camera, a new controller for the drive team, several new motors, and a slew of nuts-and-bolts…

  • 4/19/21

    Hello again, everyone! We hope you’re all having a good start to spring! Over here, we’re spending these warmer days making steady progress on the robot. The build team has completed the battery dock for the chassis (that’s going to be responsible for making sure the battery doesn’t fall out of the robot and begin…

  • 4/12/21

    Hello everyone, we’re back for another week! The build team is continuing the chassis assembly and has finally managed to lubricate the gears. The lubricant, as has been explained to me in detail, is almost literally impossible to get out of clothes, and difficult to wash off of skin. As such, everyone is wearing gloves,…

  • 4/5/21

    We’ve had a busy couple of days here at the Wire Clippers workspace. With the parts for our new chassis in, we can finally get to work on the construction of our next robot. Today was the build team’s “gearbox day,” when they’ll be focused entirely on getting the robot’s gear systems running. Since those…

  • 3/25/21

    Hi, thanks to some genius tech work on my part, this blog post wasn’t actually posted last week, so I’m just going to upload it today. Apologies for the inconvenience. Hello again, everyone! This is our second week back on the job, and now that we have a workroom to work in, we’ve been hard…

  • 3/18/2021

    We are extremely pleased to announce that, as of 3:35 pm today, we are back in our workspace! Due to quarantine limitations, the programming team hasn’t gotten inside yet (more on this on Monday, don’t worry) but the build team and business team have been hard at work on getting the room ready. The build…

  • 2/9/20

    Hello again, we’ve had a busy couple of weeks since the build season started. Build team has assigned roles for each member, and continued strategy for when we’ll be able to use our space in the school. With the school as a whole being reopened (in a limited capacity, but open nonetheless), this prospect looks…

  • January 24

    As the build season begins, the subgroups have all met up to discuss their plans going forward. In the last post, we gave an outline for approximately what we were planning. That said, the teams have had their first meetings this week, and have created concrete, short term plans for how we’re going to run…

  • 2020-2021 Kickoff

    Hello, dear parents, sponsors, and friends! It is my pleasure to announce that, in spite of the current mess of a situation we’re in right now, the Wire Clippers are back online! As of Friday, the tenth, the robotics season has officially begun, and as we race to keep up with a whole new slew…