We’re proud to announce that, in cooperation with the Ligerbots (2877) and BERT (133), we’ve won the UNH event! More news to come soon.

Category: 2022-23

  • The Last Week! 3/20/23

    Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us once again. This will be our last update before the final competition of the season. The Business Team: As we mentioned previously, the Business Team has finished the brunt of their duties; currently, they are focused on managing team-to-team connections and practices, as well as pre-competition preparation and…

  • Two Weeks Left! 3/13/23

    Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. We hope you had a great week — we certainly did! We’ve been hard at work, fixing up the robot and its code in order to largely improve our performance in the upcoming competition. With the first week of three already gone, we’re going to be working extra hard to…

  • One Down, One to Go! 3/6/23

    Hello all! Welcome back once again. This past Friday, we had our first competition of the season. There is a lot of talk about, so today’s blog post will be formatted differently than previous entries. Furthermore, we would like to announce that, starting today, blog posts will be only released on each Monday, up until…

  • The Final Countdown! 2/24/23

    Welcome back everyone! This will be our last blog post before the competition, which is in exactly one week. We will be spending the majority of next week testing, practicing, and making any last minute adjustments to our plans. AS such, today’s report will be a little shorter than normal, which we apologize for. We…

  • One More Week! 2/20/23

    Hello all! Welcome back once again, we hope you had a wonderful weekend. This week, we’re putting any final touches onto our robot and overall team plan before the competition next week. The robot is just about finished, and we are in the final stages of preparing it and the drivers for the competition atmosphere.…

  • Two Weeks to Go! 2/17/23

    Hello all! Welcome back to another Wire Clippers blog post, I hope you all have had a wonderful week thus far. We have some great news to share today about our progress. As mentioned previously, we have been working double-time to make sure we get done in time for the competition; that increased work speed…

  • Crunch Time! 2/13/23

    Welcome back, I hope you had a great weekend. This week is a week of speed. With our first competition date rapidly approaching, we want to be finished with the robot soon so we have as much time to test as needed. As such, the team is moving very quickly to try and meet their…

  • Nearing the Finish Line! 2/10/23

    Hello all, and welcome back! This week is coming to a pretty strong close, and the whole team is very happy with where we are at currently. With the competition being only three weeks away, we’re all working very hard to achieve our goals so we can perform at our complete best for the first…

  • A Week of Testing! 2/6/23

    Welcome back everyone! We hope your weekends were enjoyable, and that you were able to stay warm amidst the record-breaking low temperatures. We’ve been eager to get back to the workshop, and today we hit the ground running with a lot of momentum. We would like to thank Don Delisle and Allison Hoskin for being…

  • The Wheels Keep Turning! 2/2/23

    Welcome back loyal followers, today is groundhog day. If you didn’t know, the groundhog saw its shadow today, which means that there will be six more weeks of spring. So for some of you, that is exciting and for some, it is sad, as winter is ending soon. Today we would like to thank Allison…