The Wheels Keep Turning! 2/2/23

Welcome back loyal followers, today is groundhog day. If you didn’t know, the groundhog saw its shadow today, which means that there will be six more weeks of spring. So for some of you, that is exciting and for some, it is sad, as winter is ending soon. Today we would like to thank Allison Hoskin for being the mentor for today.

Programming Team: Today, the programming team is finalizing and testing code for the first competition. Particularly, they are tuning the detection what angle the robot is on. The programming team also worked on fixing the code to allow the claw device to work, as there was a problem in which a device wasn’t able to release the pressurized air. Programming quickly fixed the problem so now the claws of the robot are completely operational.

Build Team: Today, a lot of new motors arrived, which means that it is greasing time. All of the new motors were greased and prepared for the season. The build team also finished the base of the robot, which means it’s time to start building up the rest of the bot.

Business Team: Today, Business team mostly worked on awards, chipping away further at finalizing our FIRST Impact award. With most of the award deadlines approaching quickly, we hope to be able to turn in the high priority essays a little earlier than usual so we can focus our efforts on the final one.

Well, that about does it for this week. Apologies for the rather brief update, we hope to have more to report on in the coming weeks. See you next time, and stay safe!


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