
It’s been a quiet few days here at the workshop, but we’ve been a far cry from unproductive. Let’s jump right in!

The build team has been working hard to make sure we’re ready to go when the next competition comes around. Although we put up a strong showing last time, damage to the robot was a frequent issue. To address this, we’ve reinforced the bumpers, replaced our climb string with a friction-resistant polymer, and replaced the aiming system on the Cargo Cannon with a tread, to eliminate the possibility of the gears slipping. This should ensure that we can remain competitive throughout the day.

The Programming Team worked closely with the drive team this week to revise the controls for the robot. Our most major accomplishment, as a result, was our new ability to fire into the upper hub, as pictured above. Although it’s currently not quite as reliable, we’ve also seen success getting the robot to make the shot during the autonomous period.

The business team has continued preparing spirit supplies for the next competition, including a set of letters to spell out cheers in the stands. Aside from that, we’ve been spending our time preparing for our stem days by setting up a series of Adeept robots, which we’ll be using to help with activities for young aspiring engineers.

And that’s about all about that! We’ve got SATs coming up, so we’ll be off for the rest of the week, but we’re going to come back strong on Monday and begin the last week of practice before our second competition.


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