Update: Masks and Community Service

Hello, everyone! We hope you’ve all been making the best out of quarantine, and we wish you all the best. We’re all holed up in our respective homes at the moment, but we’d like to send out an update on what our team’s been up to lately.

As you likely know by now, FIRST isn’t just about the robotics, it’s about improving the community. And in this time of need, we’ve think the best way to do just that is to help with the mask shortage we’re facing in communities worldwide. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been coordinating our efforts, and have been able to set up a mask sewing operation with several team members, by sending the material to them, and having them make the masks and send it back.

Additionally, just days before school was closed, we were donated a 3D printer, and have been using that to make face and ear protectors. We continue to reach out to sponsors, and fully expect to be 100% up and running by next year. Thank you all for your continued support. More updates to come later, but for now, good bye, and good luck, and best wishes to all.


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