We’re proud to announce that, in cooperation with the Ligerbots (2877) and BERT (133), we’ve won the UNH event! More news to come soon.

Category: Older Classes

  • Update: Masks and Community Service

    Hello, everyone! We hope you’ve all been making the best out of quarantine, and we wish you all the best. We’re all holed up in our respective homes at the moment, but we’d like to send out an update on what our team’s been up to lately. As you likely know by now, FIRST isn’t…

  • Announcement: Cancellations

    As many of you already know, due to the danger posed by COVID-19 FIRST has cancelled the rest of the competitions for the remainder of the season. As a result, we have decided that, unfortunate as it may be, our best option is to follow suit, and won’t be meeting for the rest of the…

  • 3/10/20

    We had another highly productive meeting today, with the build team redesigning the bumpers(the old ones kept breaking), ordering gears, in case we need repairs on the robot, and switching the flywheel to spark motor, for enhanced efficiency and reliability. Meanwhile, the programming team set up the code for the flywheel for the spark motor,…

  • 3/5/20

    We had a quiet meeting today; a large portion of our team was out sick. However, we were still able to operate, so the build and programming teams spent the day working on the lift bar. We’re revising its programming, to try and make it more reliable, and considering a change in its design, to…

  • Competition 1: Salem

    We arrived at Salem High School, where we split off into three groups: scouting, pit, and stands. We all started working instantly. Scouting split off into the pits. The business team spent the first half an hour of the competition on scouting. Knowing the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of the other teams, who represent both…

  • 2/27/20

    This is it. The last day before competition, and everything is falling into place. The build team finished attaching the lift bar, finished up the pit setup, weighed the robot, and made some modifications to decrease the weight (if we’re too heavy, we’ll get disqualified, and I don’t think anyone wants that). After that, they…

  • 2/20/20

    Today, the build team put the finishing touches on the frame, allowing for more stability, and got the lift bar ready for attachment to the rest of frame. This will be the last part of the robot we’ll need to complete, so now it’s up to the programming team to seal the deal. Speaking of…

  • 2/19/20

    We had another extended meeting today, during which the build team wrapped up the pneumatic system, completed the electronics and wiring, and worked on finalizing the mounting for the lift bar. The robot is nearing completion, and with more sessions like this, we’re sure to complete the robot by the time competition rolls around. Meanwhile,…

  • 2/18/20

    With the first competition in just over a week, we’ve been working harder than ever to complete the last few unfinished jobs before the deadline hits. Build team spent the meeting finishing the process of wiring the robot, and stayed for an exceptionally long session to make sure the pneumatic system was finished on time.…

  • 2/17/20

    We had yet another highly productive meeting today; build team spent the meeting finishing up the wiring, and starting to set up the pneumatic tubes and tanks. Once we’ve finished doing that, we’ll have finished the lower section of the chassis, and, once the lift bar is complete, we’ll be done with two of the…