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Author: Wire Clippers

  • Armoring Up! 11/21/22

    Hello Wire Clippers Fans! We come to you with another update on our preseason shenanigans. We’ve been very productive on all of our actions lately, especially in regards to the chariot process. We’re excited with our progress and we can’t wait to see what new heights we reach this season. Without further ado, here is…

  • Priming the Chariots 11/14/22

    Hello again, loyal followers, I hope you had a great day. Special thanks to Chris Dahlen for once again helping us today as the parental supervisor. Today was a hectic day for all the teams, and a productive one too. The programming team had a very productive day. Some members of the team worked on…

  • 10/19/2022 – Preseason Kickoff!

    Welcome back loyal followers, members, and sponsors. We are so excited to be back for another year of participation in FRC and the fun of robotics. Our leaders are doing an exceptional job helping both new and old members find their footing within the team, and we are on track for a successful preseason! Special…

  • 3/18/2022

    It’s been a quiet few days here at the workshop, but we’ve been a far cry from unproductive. Let’s jump right in! The build team has been working hard to make sure we’re ready to go when the next competition comes around. Although we put up a strong showing last time, damage to the robot…

  • 3/11/2022

    Hello again, everyone! First off, we’ve finally got our deliveries in, both for the T-shirts and the long-awaited programming computers. But more importantly, we’re back from competition, and there’s a lot to talk about! First off, the competition itself was a success. We were able to get Mr. Reynolds, our mentor, onto the Woodie Flowers…

  • 2/22/22

    Hello! There’s a lot to report today, even setting aside the unusual date. As the competition looms, we’re going beginning the shift from finishing our normal goals (updating code, building the robot, and awards) to preparation for the competition itself. The Build Team spent the day tying up lose ends. We now have a fully…

  • 2/18/22

    Hello again! We’ve had a busy week as crunch time begins to set in, but we’re really starting to see results. With our next competition just a few short weeks away, we’re working faster than ever to make sure we can meet our deadlines, both for robot building milestones and award submissions. The Build Team…

  • 2/11/22

    Hello all! We’ve had quite possibly our most productive two days yet, with the robot finally starting to look like it’s supposed to, the code approaching a state where we’re ready to run it with the robot, and the first few award submissions signed, sealed, and finished. At 6:00 pm last night, the package with…

  • 2/7/2022

    Hello again everyone! After being kept home by what I can only describe as a “sleet day,” we weren’t able to have a meeting this Friday, but we’re here today, and ready to make up for the lost time. Let’s get to it! After their fair share of trials and tribulations, the Build Team has…

  • 2/2/22

    Hello again, everyone! We’re halfway through another week of the build season, and this time we’ve been able to march through without any scheduling interruptions (fingers crossed that it stays that way). As usual, we have a lot we’d like to show off, so let’s get right to it! First and foremost, the Build Team…